Homeowner Information


The resources listed below provide information, directed towards homeowners, regarding your subsurface sewage treatment system.

Looking for someone to design, construct, maintain, or inspect your system?  The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) maintains a list of licensed businesses in all areas of Subsurface Sewage Treatment.  The Licensed Business Search can be used to locate licensed contractors for the maintenance, design, installation, and inspection of your SSTS. McLeod County has also assembled a list of local contractors for your convenience that is available for download here.

Property Seller Requirements
The seller of the property must disclose in writing information about the status and location of all known SSTS on the property to the buyer on a form acceptable to the department. The Property Transfer Septic System Disclosure form is located here. If the seller discloses or the compliance inspection form indicates that the SSTS does not meet MN Rules Chapter 7080, is considered failing or an imminent health threat, then the transfer or sale may still take place with the stipulation that buyer and seller have a signed agreement as to who is responsible for the upgrade or replacement of the septic system. A form for this agreement can be found here.

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