Delinquent Taxes

Notice of Disclaimer
This Delinquent Tax site provides access to information for reference purposes only. The parcel list provides information maintained by McLeod County on individual parcels of property that have delinquent taxes.

McLeod County makes every effort to produce and publish current and accurate information. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the material herein contained, and are not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of the information. Additionally, McLeod County disclaims any and all liability for damages of any type, specifically including consequential damages, incurred directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions, inaccuracies or discrepancies.

The Delinquent Tax Parcel List is updated the first working day of each month, please see the link below for the delinquent report. 

May Monthly Delinquent Report

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